Body image. It’s an issue most women struggle with at some point in our lives—I know I certainly have, and still do. During my 20’s everything was perky and tight. I ate whatever I wanted and I still looked pretty good. When I entered my 30’s I began to notice subtle changes. Things weren’t as they had been a decade before, but, it was still all good! When I slid into my 40’s reality started kicking in, my metabolism slowed down, and I found myself wondering what had happened to my body. Even shopping, one of my favorite pastimes, became challenging. *Cautionary Note*: There is nothing more sobering than taking your clothes off in a department store dressing room and looking at your half-naked self under the glare of those ultra bright lights. As we age, we gain things we didn’t have before, and lose things we wish we could hold on to.
I don’t know a woman alive who thinks, “My body is great just the way it is!” I’m sure such women exist, and that they are actually inhabiting this planet (well-adjusted aliens living among us, disguised as humans)…just kidding…a little! If I conducted a poll and asked the average woman to name one thing she’d like to change about her body, I guarantee she could come up with at least three different things off the top of her head. Some want thinner thighs, smaller waistlines, slimmer hips, and firmer everything! And on the flip side, some long for larger thighs, rounder behinds…and yes, firmer everything! Whether we’re big or small we fantasize about having the perfect bikini body. But let’s face it, even the svelte swim suit models gracing the fashion magazines are airbrushed to death, so what’s it really all about?...I believe it all starts with good self-esteem combined with good health and fitness habits.
Our society has become obsessed with beauty over substance. We live in an age of mid-drift bearing, booty-shakin’, breast implant having, show-what-you-got, in-your-face boldness. The unrealistic standards of beauty and body size thrust in front of us by way of magazines and music videos can make the average woman feel inadequate…and I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been guilty of succumbing to the hype.
I’ve often bemoaned and criticized my wide hips, thick thighs, and big legs. But slowly, and I mean very slowly, I’m learning to appreciate my curvy, grown woman shape. The other day I stood in front of the mirror, naked as the day I came into this world, and studied my body closely. Every inch of it. I closed my eyes, then opened them again. I spoke affirming words to the woman staring back at me. I embraced my soft, smooth, cocoa-colored skin that protects my body, and I thanked my big legs for allowing me to walk everywhere I need to go. I’m truly thankful for both. And even though I didn’t get around to praising my wide hips or thick thighs, I know I’ll get there soon, and when I do I will appreciate them, regardless of their size. This whole thing is a process—and it’s called acceptance. Loving who you are is a necessary exercise. Both the mind and body must be treated with reverence and care.
It’s important to be healthy, no matter your body size. There are thin women who are grossly out of shape and haven’t an ounce of cardio endurance, while there are overweight women who are fit and can run circles around their thinner counterparts. As I’ve gotten older, I realize how much more important it is to feel good than to look good (but for the record, I do want to look good, too!). I’ve also learned that educating yourself about proper diet and exercise, and incorporating both into your daily lifestyle is essential at any age. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and moving your body in some sort of aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes a day can make all the difference in the world. When we do good things for our bodies we get great result. And when we love what’s on the inside, that’s an unbeatable feeling!
So tell me, how do you feel about your body and what issues are you struggling with, if any? What are some of the things you’re doing to stay fit and healthy? Let me know and share some of the health and nutrition tips that have worked for you?
Thanks for dropping by to check out what's happening in my world! I'm an author, book coach, public speaker, reader, quasi baker & chef, domestic goddess, and down-home Southern girl. I enjoy meeting interesting people, traveling to exciting places, eating good food, and of course my all-time! Sit back, relax, and join me on my journey!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
In The Land Of Good And Evil, Exclusively Available on A Chapter A Month!
In the Land Of Good And Evil, is set during the summer of 1969 in the small southern town of Nedine, South Carolina. John Small, a successful New York City banker, is ready to leave Wall Street and return to his hometown of Nedine to open the city's first African American owned bank. But trouble soon arises, and John quickly learns that things aren't as they appear! Old friends have become new foes, and old enemies are now new allies. With so much going on, John's really not sure whom he can trust until he gets help from two unlikely sources--his wise, ninety-year-old grandmother who has the mysterious gift of prophecy, and a sweet young woman named Elizabeth who steals his heart. But, will their love and protection be enough to save John from the sinister forces that are out to claim his soul?...Love, betrayal, and the supernatural abound!...oh yeah, and there's some STEAMY romance thrown in between! Check out my story as it unfolds every month at!
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